Andorra Full History aasan bhasha mein by Rajkumarrr comics

 Andorra is a small landlocked country located in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain. It is one of the smallest countries in Europe, with an area of just 468 square kilometers, and a population of around 77,000 people.

The official language of Andorra is Catalan, although Spanish, French, and Portuguese are also spoken. The country is known for its ski resorts and mountain landscapes, which attract many tourists each year.

Andorra has a unique political system, with two co-princes who serve as the heads of state. One co-prince is the Bishop of Urgell in Spain, while the other is the President of France. The government of Andorra is a parliamentary democracy, with a Prime Minister as the head of government.

The economy of Andorra is based on tourism, retail, and finance. Andorra is known for its tax haven status, which has attracted many businesses and wealthy individuals to the country. However, in recent years, the government has taken steps to increase transparency and crack down on money laundering and tax evasion.

Andorra is a member of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, but it is not a member of the European Union. Despite this, the country uses the euro as its official currency and has a customs union with the EU.



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