Antigua and Barbuda Full History aasan bhasha mein by Rajkumarrr comics

Antigua and Barbuda is a sovereign nation located in the eastern Caribbean Sea, consisting of two major islands, Antigua and Barbuda, and several smaller islands. The country is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and the United Nations.

The capital and largest city is St. John's, located on the island of Antigua. The population of Antigua and Barbuda is approximately 100,000 people, with the majority living on Antigua.

The official language is English, and the currency is the Eastern Caribbean dollar. The economy is heavily dependent on tourism, as well as financial services and agriculture.

Antigua and Barbuda has a rich cultural heritage, influenced by the country's history of colonization and African heritage. The country is known for its beautiful beaches, clear waters, and warm climate, making it a popular tourist destination.



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