12 Best Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Attract Buyers in 2023 aasan bhasha mein by Rajkumarrr comics

 1. Produce Content Regularly

Content marketing is huge, and it’s expected to stay that way for many years to come. The blog will continue to be popular among real estate marketers throughout the year. But expect to see a lot more video content.

Of course, you’ll see lots of property tours on social media platforms — nothing new there. But expect to see more “how to sell your property fast” guides. Video tutorials are great marketing tools. Give consumers the benefit of your knowledge and experience, and they’re more likely to trust you.

2. Maximize Photo Quality

Crisp, clear and descriptive images are everything in real estate. Firms and agents around the world will be aiming to maximize the quality of their property photos throughout the year. The rising popularity of OLED phone screens makes this essential.

Gone are the days when agents would take a few quick snaps of a property before uploading them straight to a website. Estate agents are investing heavily in photographic equipment to ensure their images are as good as they can possibly be.

There’ll also be a major move towards photo editing. The ability to make retrospective changes to property photos should make listings more attractive and persuasive than ever before. If you’re looking for an editing tool, try Xara Cloud. It’s packed with editing features that can turn everyday images taken on mobile devices into something very special.

3. Try SMS marketing

As old-fashioned as it might sound —who would want to use SMS when you have email, Facebook, banner ads, etc.—don’t neglect it before you give it a chance.

It is known in the marketing sphere that channels work well initially, but then they get crowded, and click rates drop. It happened with banners, Social Media channels, and even with email. When banner ads started in 1994, they had click rates of over 80%. Now in 2023, we see click rates of less than 1%. It is the same for Facebook and Instagram posts; getting people to see them is harder.

SMS has an average open rate of 97%. Not bad comparing it 20% open rate of emails

SMS Marketing for Real Estate can become an immediate and close channel to reach your audience. It is very personal, so it is better to reserve it for people truly interested in the brand.

You can create SMS lists where people actively searching for a house can join, and you can send them new listings or open houses that fit their interests. Or follow up with people who attended open houses. The possibilities are endless!

4. Engage on Social Media

Real estate firms now realize that simply posting listings across several social media channels doesn’t deliver the results it used to. Now, agents have to engage with buyers and sellers. Yes, this sometimes does involve the listing of properties for sale. But it now involves a lot more interaction.

Make 2023 the year your real estate firm becomes a thought leader on social media. Respond to questions, offer advice and publish tutorials. Share thoughts and comments, and ask others to do the same. It shouldn’t be long before people start trusting you to deliver sales.

Because of Covid-19, you probably have essential limitations to gathering in person, attending events or catching up with people over coffee, so take advantage of new technologies and be visible online. You will reap the rewards later on!

Are you a real estate agent looking for ways to get more listings using social media? Look no further! Check out this article to discover 30 of the best real estate social media post ideas to help you get the most out of your online presence and get the listings you want.

5. Create an interesting postcard

Postcards are a great form of brand marketing. Maybe many of the people who receive are not interested right now in buying or selling, but they might be in a year or two. 

To ensure your postcard doesn’t end up in the trash, make sure it is interesting or valuable enough to have in the fridge or the wall. Some ideas you can steal: 



Beautiful places in the town

Top restaurants in the town

To create a beautiful postcard, you can check our templates here. That way, you only need to worry about the content, as you can simply edit with drag and drop. 

6. Make Referral Requests the New Norm

Some real estate agents are still reticent about asking for referrals from current and previous clients. But if you don’t do it, your competitors will. The 2023 real estate market is expected to be one of the most competitive yet — so it’s best to have a structured approach to referrals.

Think like this: if you do an excellent job for the client, they’ll probably be thrilled to share your real estate business card with friends and family.

7. Live Chat

Pretty much every real estate agent has a website now. But you can gain a competitive edge in the local marketplace by adding a live chat function. This gives potential clients 24/7 access to your services.

Visitors to your website can ask questions via a live chat service. And although you may not be able to respond immediately, the visitor will get a message from a chatbot — as if from one of your team. And when you are available, you can have a meaningful discussion in real-time, which is a much more effective way of communicating than sending a string of emails.

Another clever way to use a chatbot is to collect lead information in a more fun and engaging way. Instead of boring your prospects with a form, you can create a chatbot that will ask them questions like what area they are interested in, the type of house, how many rooms they need, etc.

Many chat platforms will collect this data for you and send it to your CRM so you can connect with them with personalized messages by email or SMS.

8. Invest in Newsletters

Before you think about improving or implementing a newsletter program, you should start creating a database of contacts. Start with previous clients, and build on the list with leads harvested from your website and social media channels. Just make sure you comply with the jurisdiction’s privacy laws.

Response rates from email messages are still higher than messages via post and SMS. A good newsletter never tries to sell products or services — it delivers real value to the reader. This value is usually delivered through advice, tips and insider knowledge. Recipients learn something but are also reminded that you’re still around. This is also a great way of building trust.

9. Run a Paid Ad Campaign

PPC marketing is still big business in 2023.

Advertising has been around since the first time someone walked up to another person and offered them something for free. Eventually, we all figured out that the best way to get people’s attention was with a catchy slogan or an attractive picture, but these days you don’t even need those to catch consumers’ eyes! With Google Adwords, you can reach your perfect target audience by setting parameters like location, keywords and other variables. All it takes is one click on your site, and Google will serve ads related to what they were looking at!

Try, for example, to target people in your exact location that are searching for things like “real estate + city”, “buy house + area”, or “properties for sale”. These ads allow you to be targeted and not waste money showing them to people who don’t care.

Facebook is also an exciting platform to consider for your real estate ads, as you can target specific areas, demographics and interests. Here is a guide on how to use Facebook Ads to maximise your presence in your local community and get more exposure to your listings.

10. Become a Real Estate Thought Leader

Offering advice and commentary on the real estate market in your area can give you an air of authority. And when this happens, you can use strategic PR to your advantage.

For example, you can persuade local news outlets to approach you for quotes on the latest real estate stories. This makes you an expert, thus eliciting trust in the community. Your name, or that of your company, gets some free publicity — and you can do a little self-promotion when the time is right. See our guide on how to become a thought leader in your real estate market.

11. Reciprocal Marketing

There may be several local businesses in your area that may be willing to help you spread the word about your real estate services. Reach out to high-quality, respectable businesses that may be able to throw some business your way. In return, you could do the same. For example, local furniture stores might be willing to partner with you — as they deal with people who are moving all the time.

12. Create Premium Printed Products

The quality of literature within the real estate sector has never been higher. Glossy pamphlets and real estate door hangers are now the new norms — so make sure your firm isn’t left behind. High-quality paper, informative content and crystal-clear images are essential.

Of course, you don’t have to spend a small fortune on your printed materials. A good inkjet printer, quality paper and photo editing software such as Xara Cloud are all you need for the highest real estate brochures and literature standards.


Real estate marketing is becoming increasingly competitive, so firms must stay creative and produce more content than ever.

Creating high-quality materials for your listings has never been easy, but it’s a must if you want to attract potential buyers and build a name for yourself in the real estate industry.

And it doesn’t have to be a drag. With Xara Cloud, you and other real estate agents on your team can easily manage branding elements and create branded real estate promotional materials to win over clients and get you more listings.



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